
Lubrita est une société indépendante qui fabrique et mélange des lubrifiants en Europe, dont la capacité de production s’élève à 130 000 tonnes de produits lubrifiants finis par an. Lubrita International offre une gamme complète d’huiles pour automobiles, d’huiles industrielles, de lubrifiants et de graisses de première qualité, fabriquées pour les marchés d’aujourd’hui. L’usine est située à près de Rotterdam aux Pays-Bas à proximité du port maritime dont l’énorme capacité de stockage s’élève à 17 000 tonnes pour les huiles de base et à plus de 60 cuves de stockage pour les produits finis et les additifs, ce qui fait de nous un fournisseur de lubrifiants particulièrement attrayant sur le marché international. Il existe plus de 500 formules lubrifiantes disponibles pour répondre aux diverses exigences et applications. Nous sommes une société ouverte et efficace qui soutient ses nombreux distributeurs Lubrita. Nous offrons un excellent service technique et après-vente. Toutes les huiles Lubrita sont minutieusement sélectionnées afin de répondre aux besoins actuels du marché et aux applications en matière de lubrifiants. L’objectif de la société est d’établir une norme européenne et un niveau de service élevés à l’échelle mondiale en sélectionnant des distributeurs de lubrifiants expérimentés et extrêmement motivés, capables d’offrir le meilleur service local avec l’appui de l’équipe Lubrita International.
Si vous ne trouvez pas le produit que vous recherchez ou si vous avez des questions relatives à nos produits, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter. Nous espérons pouvoir répondre à toutes vos questions.

Si vous souhaitez nous représenter dans votre pays, veuillez nous contacter directement par téléphone, ou adressez-nous un email à : Nous recherchons des partenaires exclusifs pour distribuer nos produits dans de nombreux pays à travers le monde !


La société indépendante Lubrita est le principal fournisseur de graisses lubrifiantes, disposant de sites de production en Suède, aux Pays-Bas, en France et aux États-Unis. Nous avons produit plus de 30 000 tonnes de graisses lubrifiantes, basées sur plus de 200 formules de produits différents, pour l’année dernière uniquement. Ces produits ont été conçus afin de répondre aux exigences du consommateur dans une large gamme d’applications diverses. Nous sommes à même de fournir des graisses à de nombreuses industries variées, y compris des gammes de graisses industrielles et automobiles mises au point pour différentes applications, notamment : graisse pour utilisation à basses températures, graisse multifonctions, graisse MoS2 multi-usages, graisse à base de graphite multi-usages, graisse multi-usages, graisse agréée MB, graisse automobile pour systèmes de lubrification centralisée, graisse universelle EP, graisse agréée MB et MAN, graisse universelle EP avec MoS2, graisse universelle EP, graisse CLS (graisse pour systèmes de lubrification centralisée), graisse agréée MB et MAN, graisse universelle au complexe d’aluminium, graisse universelle pour applications industrielles, graisse pour systèmes de lubrification centralisée industriels , graisse à utiliser pour amplitudes thermiques importantes, graisse pour usage industriel lourd, pièces à rotations lentes, graisse Bentone multi-usages, graisse haute résistance à l’eau, graisse pour patin de rail, composé antigrippant, graisse biodégradable, agréée Willy-Vogel, graisse pour charges très lourdes, lubrifiant sans particules solides pour engrenage nu, graisse pour machine alimentaire. Graisse synthétique enregistrée NSF H-1 à basse température, graisse synthétique industrielle, graisse synthétique pour pompabilité à basse température, graisse biodégradable multi-usage, graisse synthétique pour températures très élevées, graisse pour températures extrêmes. Graisse enregistrée NSF H-1, composé au graphite pour engrenage nu, graisse pour usage industriel, graisse biodégradable pour environnements humides, graisse pour applications avec forces centrifuges élevées, graisse résistante aux produits chimiques, agréée BAM pour une compatibilité avec l’oxygène et de nombreuses autres formules.
Si vous ne trouvez pas le produit que vous recherchez, ou si vous avez des questions concernant nos produits, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter. Nous espérons pouvoir répondre à toutes vos questions.

Si vous souhaitez nous représenter dans votre pays, veuillez nous contacter directement par téléphone, ou nous envoyer un email à : Nous recherchons des partenaires exclusifs pour distribuer nos produits dans de nombreux pays à travers le monde !


Produits chimiques

Lubrita fournit des antigels et des liquides de refroidissement agréés par les OEM de même que des produits de qualité économique non agréés. Nous fournissons en vrac (citernes automatiques, cuves souples), mais nous pouvons également remplir des bidons d’1L et de conteneurs IBC de 1000 L dans notre usine. Le liquide de refroidissement antigel longue durée Lubrita H-XLC a reçu de nombreuses certifications OEM. Il est disponible en deux couleurs : orange et rouge. Le produit Lubrita H-XLC a été agréé par de nombreux fabricants de moteurs, à la fois des constructeurs de véhicules automobiles et de camions. Ces certifications incluent : norme Ford WSS-M97B44-D, norme Mercedes-Benz 325.3, norme General Motors GM 6277M, norme MAN 324 type SNF et norme Volkswagen TL 774F. Une liste complète et actualisée indiquant toutes les certifications est disponible sur demande. Le produit Lubrita H-XLC, grâce à une technologie brevetée basée sur composé aliphatique d’addition sans silicate, assure une protection longue durée contre la corrosion pour tous les métaux de moteur, notamment l’aluminium et les alliages ferreux. Au cours des nombreux essais réalisés sur la flotte, la combinaison synergétique des mono et dicarboxylates présents dans le liquide de refroidissement a prouvé qu’elle offre une protection pendant au moins 650 000 km (environ 8 000 heures) pour un usage dans des camions et des bus ou 250 000 km (environ 2 000 heures) pour les voitures de tourisme ou 32 000 heures (soit 6 ans) pour les moteurs fixes.
Liquide de refroidissement : un produit économique qui répond aux normes BS (British standard), disponible en bleu foncé, bleu clair, incolore, jaune et vert. Le liquide de refroidissement Lubrita BS est un concentré économique de réfrigérant qui offre une protection contre le givre et la corrosion. Le liquide de refroidissement est recommandé lorsque l’aspect économique doit avoir la priorité sur la qualité. Le liquide de refroidissement Lubrita BS offre les avantages suivants aux utilisateurs : protection contre la corrosion, convient également aux métaux non ferreux, protection contre le givre, protection contre le débordement, miscibilité, compatibilité avec les joints d’étanchéité, stabilité dans l’eau calcaire et faible coût .
Si vous ne trouvez pas le produit que vous recherchez, ou si vous avez des questions concernant nos produits, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter. Nous espérons pouvoir répondre à toutes vos questions.

Si vous souhaitez nous représenter dans votre pays, veuillez nous contacter directement par téléphone, ou nous envoyer un email à : Nous recherchons des partenaires exclusifs pour distribuer nos produits dans de nombreux pays à travers le monde !


La société où nous produisons les doses spéciales et les nettoyants Lubrita est en activité depuis 1879. Nos produits nettoyants de base Lubrita sont classifiés en 3 principaux groupes:

Produits nettoyants pour les mains et pour le soin des mains
Produits de nettoyage industriel
Produits de nettoyage pour les transports

Nous fournissons des produits nettoyants pour le secteur de l’agriculture, de l’automobile, de la construction, de la transformation alimentaire, du pétrole, de la pétrochimie, du traitement et de la production, pour la maintenance d’installations, le nettoyage institutionnel, le transport de marchandises (navigation intérieure, pêche, maritime et offshore) et pour le nettoyage des moyens de transports (lavages de voitures, de camions et des aéronefs).
Si vous ne trouvez pas le produit que vous recherchez, ou si vous avez des questions concernant nos produits, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter. Nous espérons pouvoir répondre à toutes vos questions.
Si vous souhaitez nous représenter dans votre pays, veuillez nous contacter directement par téléphone, ou nous envoyer un email à : . Nous recherchons des partenaires exclusifs pour distribuer nos produits dans de nombreux pays à travers le monde !



Expand your range of products with LUBRITA additives and car care products!

Automotive and industrial care and protection special developed products!
Are you looking to gain an edge over your competitors and would like to expand your range of products?
You can simply choose from more than 300 automotive and industrial additives and care products which we have to offer to expand your business.

Fuel Systems Diesel 

Common-Rail Diesel System Clean & Protect 
Diesel System Super Clean 
Diesel System Cleaner 
Diesel Conditioner   
Diesel Anti Smoke 
Cetane Booster 
DPF Cleaner 
Air Intake Cleaner for Diesel 
Diesel Anti-Bacteria 
DPF Power Cleaner 
DPF Flushing Liquid 
DPF Catalyst Cleaner 

Fuel Systems Petrol 

Oxygen Sensor & Catalytic Converter Cleaner 
Fuel System Cleaner 
Fuel System Water Remover 
Valves- and Injection System Cleaner 
Octane Booster 
Air Intake Cleaner for Petrol 
Fuel System Cleaner Bio Ethanol 


Oil System Cleaner  
Nano Engine Super Protection 
Oil System Care 
Engine Oil Stop Leak 
Oil Anti Smoke 
Hydraulik Lifter Care 

LPG Systems 

LPG System Clean & Protect 
Fill-In Adapter 
Petrol System Cleaner LPG 
LPG Valve Lube 
LPG Lubrication System 
LPG Lubrication System Set 

Radiator System 

Radiator Antifreeze - red - G12 
Radiator Antifreeze - blue - G11 
Radiator Oil Cleaner  
Radiator Flush 
Radiator Conditioner 
Radiator Stop Leak  

Power Steering 

Power Steering Cleaner  
Power Steering Nano Protect


Automatic Transmission Flush 
Automatic Transmission Conditioner  
Gear Oil Stop Leak 
Cleaner for Manual Transmission & Differentials 
Protection for Manual Transmissions & Differentials

Air Conditioning 

Klima-Fresh Fluid Vaporiser 
Klima Fresh Fluid Vaporiser - Citrus 
Klima Fresh - Orange 
Aircondition Foam Cleaner 
Air Conditioning Cleaner - Liquid 
Special Air Condition System Cleaner  
Disinfectant Fluid 
Disinfectant Fluid + Cabin Air Freshener


Bike-Line Oil System Cleaner 
Bike-Line Oil System Guard & Care 
Bike-Line Fuel System Cleaner 2-Stroke 
Bike-Line Fuel System Cleaner 4-Stroke 
Scooter Fuel System Clean and Care 2-Stroke 
Scooter Fuel System Clean and Care 4-Stroke 
Bike-Line Fuel Stabilizer 


Snowmobile Fuel System Cleaner 2-Stroke 
Snowmobile Fuel System Cleaner 4-Stroke 


Boat-Line Oil System Cleaner 
Boat-Line Oil System Guard and Care 
Boat-Line Diesel System Cleaner 
Boat-Line Diesel Anti Bakterial 
Boat-Line Fuel System Cleaner 2-Stroke 
Boat-Line Fuel System Cleaner 4-Stroke 
Boat-Line Outbord Motor Fuel System Cleaner 2-Stroke 
Boat-Line Outbord Motor Fuel System Cleaner 4-Stroke
Boat-Line Jet-Ski Fuel System Clean & Care
Boat-Line Fuel System Water Remover

Vehicle Preparation 

Abrasive Paste 
Fine Polishing Paste 
High Gloss Anti-Hologram Polish 
Modelling Clay blue  
Nano Finisher 
Express Polish Acryl-PTFE-Polish 
Polish & Wax 
Wheel Rim Cleaner 
Wheel Rim Cleaner Gel 
Tyre Black 
Windscreen Cleaner  
Pump & Clean Window Cleaner Concentrate 1:100 
Windscreen Cleaner Summer 
Car summer 
Insect Remover 
Engine Cleaner 
Universal Cleaner 
Upholstery Cleaner 
Caravan Cleaner 
Leather Care Set 
Windscreen Antifreeze -25°C 
Windscreen Antifreeze Concentrate -60°C 
Door Lock Defroster 
Defrost Spray 
Car winter box 

Service and Maintenance Aerosols 

Brake Cleaner Spray  
Brake Cleaner acetone-free - Fluid 
Brake Cleaner Spray (with Acetone)  
Brake Cleaner with acetone  
Brake Anti Seize 
Throttle Body Cleaner 
Super Start Spray 
Electronic Spray 
Installation Cleaner 
Airflow Sensor Cleaner 
Plastic and Rubber Care 
Cockpit Spray 
Multi-Function Foam Spray 
Supra X Polish Stainless Steel Care 
Special Maintenance 
Bio Multi Spray 
Power Lube  Nano-Tec
Adhesive Grease Spray
Teflon White Grease
Silicone Spray
Copper Spray - Lacquer
Copper Spray Anti-Seize
Zinc Spray
Rust Remover
MoS2 Rust Remover
Rust Remover with frost-shock effect
Injector Dismantling Aid

Greases, Pastes and Sealants 

Multi Purpose Grease K2K-30 DIN51502 
Friction and Roller bearing DIN51502, Li-Ca, 
Silicone Grease 
Copper Paste  
Silicone Sealing Compound black 
Silicone Sealing Compound grey 

Nano Sealing Technology 

Nano Car-Glass Sealant K1 + K2 
Glass Protect application ampoule 
Glass Protect - Profi Set 
Nano Sealant Set for Outdoor Glass Surfaces-single comp. 
Pre-protect cleaning milk Glas 
Profi-Nano-Paintwork Sealant Set 
Profi Nano Paintwork Sealant 
Paintwork Super Gloss Polish  
Nano Wheel Rim Sealant for 12 rims 
Nano-Wheel Sealant 
Nano Clean & Conserve for wheels 
Nano Bike Sealant Set 
Nano Clean & Conserve for plastic surfaces 
Nano Textile Sealant 
Nano Textile Sealant Set 
Nano Clean & Conserve Textile 
Nano Glass-/Ceramic Sealant Set 
Nano Clean & Conserve Glass and Ceramic 
Nano Wood-/Stone Sealant Set 
Nano Clean & Conserve Wood-Stone 
Nano Headlight Restore Kit 
Crystal Clear Profi Nano Sealant Set 

Cleaning & Care 

Insect Remover 
Wheelwash Supra S acidic
Wheelwash Supra S Antifoam 
Antifoam Additive 
Cold Cleaner CS 
High Gloss Dry Ultra X 
Nano Highgloss Dry 
Easy Dry - Drying Agent 
Brushwash Standard 
Brushwash N (neutral)  
Nano Shampoo & Wax 
Shampoo & Wax 
Highpress Ultra X 
Floor Cleaner 
Plastic and Rubber Care 
Car and Multifunction Brushes

If you are interested in representing us in your country, please contact us directly by phone, or send an e-mail to  
We are looking for exclusive partners to distribute our products in many countries worldwide!

Si vous souhaitez nous représenter dans votre pays, veuillez nous contacter directement par téléphone, ou adressez-nous un email à : Nous recherchons des partenaires exclusifs pour distribuer nos produits dans de nombreux pays à travers le monde ! 


Les travaux industriels sont inconcevables sans avoir recours à des aérosols techniques. Il est peu probable de trouver un endroit où ces mesures universelles pratiques ne sont pas utilisées. Les aérosols s’appliquent aux appareils de chauffage, de climatisation et sanitaires, ainsi qu’aux véhicules, et sont utilisés dans les différentes industries, la construction, le secteur forestier et les services. Nous avons plus de 25 années d’expérience en production d’aérosols techniques. Nos clients et partenaires commerciaux sont satisfaits de leur excellente qualité et du service d’assistance et de consultation. Afin de répondre aux dernières exigences du marché, nous améliorons constamment nos produits et continuons d’élargir nos offres de services. Nos nouveaux produits représentent actuellement une gamme de plus de 150 articles divers fabriqués en Allemagne. Ils sont présentés sous différentes formes d’emballage en fonction de l’usage.
Si vous ne trouvez pas le produit que vous recherchez, ou si vous avez des questions concernant nos produits, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter. Nous espérons pouvoir répondre à toutes vos questions.

Si vous souhaitez nous représenter dans votre pays, veuillez nous contacter directement par téléphone, ou nous envoyer un email à : Nous recherchons des partenaires exclusifs pour distribuer nos produits dans de nombreux pays à travers le monde!

Huiles de Transformateurs
Lubrita Brochures Downloads
Glossary of Tribology terms
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Privacy policy

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This privacy policy determines Lubrita Europe B.V., legal entity address World Trade Center Amsterdam, Schiphol Boulevard 127, 1118 BG Schiphol, Netherlands, the e-mail address (hereinafter referred to as the “Manager") the conditions for the processing of personal data of web visitors and other data subjects, implementation of rights of data subjects, related to the processing of personal data.

The Manager may at any time review and change the privacy policy, so we recommend that you periodically check, whether you are familiar with the relevant version of the privacy policy. The date of current version publication of the privacy policy is specified on the top of this Web page. The information about changes to the privacy policy for registered users of online stores is available on their online store account.

Personal data of the website visitors are processed in accordance with the legislation in force and ensuring the appropriate technical and organizational measures for the protection of personal data.

The Manager uses provided your personal data or with your permission collected by the Manager solely for the purposes stated in the Privacy Policy, for the purpose of handling personal data, whether for payment or free of charge, transfer to other persons, except in the cases specified in this Privacy Policy. Your personal data may be disclosed to other persons only then and only to the extent that this is necessary in order to provide you with services, to fulfill your order, and so on. For example, when purchasing goods and choosing courier delivery, your personal data required for the delivery will be disclosed to the courier service. The website contains links to non-managerial websites. The Manager is not responsible for the privacy policies of these sites, so we encourage you to be active and get familiar with the privacy policies of the websites you are directed.



The website uses cookies, small text files stored on your device‘s (such as a computer, mobile phone, tablet) browser when you are browsing a Web site.

We need to use cookies on the website in order to:
ensure the proper functioning of the Web site;
ensure optimal speed and security of the Web site;
check out the Web site and its individual pages and parts, to analyze Web site traffic (the date and time of visit, browsers used, types of devices and their screen sizes), and thus continually improve the Web site, in order to better meet your needs.
Improve your login to your online store account.

Data Manager uses the following types of cookies:

Session cookies:
TITLE: _gat | FUNCTION: Designed to speed up login. | EXPIRY DATE: By the end of the visit to the site
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Permanent cookies:
TITLE: _ga | FUNCTION: Google analytics cookie to identify unique users. | EXPIRY DATE: 2 years
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You can restrict or block cookies by managing your web browser settings. If you want websites to not have any cookies on your device, customize your web browser settings so that you are notified before any cookie is placed or the web browser deletes all cookies. You will need to individually adjust settings for each Internet browser for each device.

Forbidding any use of cookies or restricting their use, you may not receive the services you want or cannot use the functionality of the website.

For more information about cookies, their principles of operation and settings can be found on the website .


The web site has a request form that you can fill out with your request to the Manager. In order to respond to your request and save proof of communication, the Manager will in any case handle the information you provided: your name, email, and request. You will not be able to contact us by submitting a request without specifying this information.

If you want the Manager's representative to be able to contact you not only by e-mail, but also by telephone, you can also provide your telephone number with the request, but you can also submit the request without the phone number.

The personal data submitted with the request and the further correspondence between you and the Manager's agent will be kept to the extent necessary for the fulfillment of a specific task and to ensure the implementation of the rights of the Manager.


Only the registered online store users following the conditions of purchase in the e-shop can purchase goods in the manager's online store.

The personal data provided by the registration is used to fulfill the orders (to implement the Manager's legitimate interest in being able to provide evidence of communication and agreements with buyers). In addition to the personal data provided at the time of registration, the Manager also stores your purchase history for the same purpose and legal basis: the purchased goods, their price, payment method and date, delivery method and date. The email provided by registering will also be used for the purpose of direct marketing in order to provide you with information about the goods and services offered by the Manager, provided promotions and practical advices, unless you express an objection during registration to the use of your personal data for direct marketing purposes. For more information on the processing of your personal data for direct marketing purposes, you will find at DIRECT MARKETING section of the Privacy Policy.

In order to be able to fulfill your order properly, you need to provide correct personal information when registering. You can view and modify your personal details by logging in to your online store account. Please, before submitting a new order, in all cases, verify that your personal data held by the Manager are relevant and correct. The Manager assumes no responsibility if your personal data will be disclosed to other persons, you will not receive any ordered goods or experience other inconvenience due to incorrect personal data delivery or non-renewal. No property losses will be compensated due to submission of improper personal data.

The personal data of registered at online store persons will be provided to the companies providing goods delivery services, banks, which handle billing for purchased goods or services, as well as to the data processors used by the Manager (the information system administrators used by the manager, the marketing services agencies).

You can cancel your registration at online store at any time by e-mail at Your account will be canceled no later than within 7 business days from the receipt of the sent confirmation email and you will be notified by email on the deletion of your account.

Your personal data processed for the purpose of electronic trading is stored for 5 years since the last time shopping in the online store. If you do not buy at online store for 5 years, your account will be deleted and all personal data contained therein will be deleted. You will be notified of the intention to cancel your account at least 5 days before the account is canceled.


You become the Loyalty client of the Manager by acquiring a Manager Loyalty card under the terms of the loyalty program.

In order to become a loyal client of the Manager and to purchase the products distributed by the Manager at a more favorable prices, you must provide the Manager with the following information by registering in the loyalty program: name, email, telephone number and address. In order to become a member of the loyalty program you do not have to submit any other personal data.

In addition to personal data submitted by you, the Manager will also process the history of purchases made through a loyalty card, such as: purchased goods, their price, the discount applied, order date, payment method and date, delivery method and date. The legal basis for the processing of personal data processed for the purpose of carrying out the loyalty program is the desire to fulfill the contract for participation in the loyalty program.

Your personal data will only be used to provide you with discounts and make direct marketing offers. If you do not wish to receive news and information on promotions for loyal customers from the Manager, check in the "additional information" box when registering that you do not agree to the processing of your personal data for direct marketing purposes.

Your personal data processed for the purpose of performing a loyalty program will be transferred to the Manager's data processors (Administrators of Information Systems used by the Manager, Marketing Agencies).

You have the right to withdraw from the loyalty program at any time by submitting an application to the e-mail address For processing your participation in the Loyalty Program, your personal data will be erased no later than 7 days after the confirmation about sent receipt of the email and you will be informed by email about the deletion of personal data.


Each Web site visitor can subscribe to the latest news about products and services offered by the manager, promotions and practical tips (subscribe to the newsletter).

By signing up to the online store, or a loyalty program you are also included in the Database of Recipients of the Manager's Newsletter, unless you state at the time of registration that you do not wish to receive Manager's Direct Marketing Proposals.

The persons that have subscribed to the newsletter and registered at online store, so the loyalty program participants may at any time refuse Manager's newsletter by clicking on the refusal link in the newsletter or by submitting a request to the e-mail address


Video surveillance is provided in the territory and premises of physical Manager stores, located at World Trade Center Amsterdam, Schiphol Boulevard 127, 1118 BG Schiphol, Netherlands. The image is monitored in order to ensure the security of the Manager's assets and employees. The legal basis for the processing of these data is the legitimate interest of the Manager in preventing the occurrence of damage that the Manager would suffer if he lost his property or did not ensure the safety of his employees.

Observed areas and parts of the premises are marked with visual means visible before entering the video surveillance field.

The territory and premises of the Company are monitored only in real time; we do not record and store image data, so we will not be able to satisfy your requests for access to image data.


All personal data submitted by persons wishing to employ at Manager‘s Company are administered by the Manager only for the purpose of selecting and recruiting staff, having a legitimate interest in assessing the suitability of a candidate to work as desired.

In addition to the date provided on selection and recruitment purposes by the same person who wishes to work at the Managers Company, the Manager may collect and otherwise handle other publicly available candidate data, i.e., look for information online, check candidate social networks (such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter) profiles and so on.

The Manager can also apply to the former candidate's employers, indicated in the candidate's CV or social networking accounts, and request information about the candidate's qualifications, professional abilities and business characteristics.

Submitted by the candidate and independently collected data about the candidate Manager keeps 4 months since the expiry of a specific employee selection. The term for the storage of personal data is prolonged only with the individual consent of the candidate. If the consent to keep the candidate's personal data for more than 4 months after the selection is not obtained, after the expiration of this term all the personal data of the candidate (both presented by the candidate and collected by the Manager) are deleted.


All persons, whose personal data are processed by the Manager, shall have:

The right of access to their personal data, processed by the Manager.
The right to request correction of incorrect or inaccurate personal data

Registered e-shop users can access their personal data and change them by signing up to an online store account. In other cases, the right of access and request for the correction of personal data shall be implemented by submitting a written request to the Manager's office address or to e-mail address (in case of an application signed by e-signature).

The right to demand that the Manager restrict the processing of personal data until the accuracy of personal data is verified, until it is determined whether the interests of the data subject who disagrees with the processing of personal data are superior to the Manager, as well as in cases where personal data is processed illegally, but the data subject does not agree to delete this data.
This right is implemented by providing a written request to the Manager's office address or to the email address (in case of an application signed by e-signature). If the application is reasonable, the processing of personal data will be limited within 5 working days from the receipt of the request.

The right to data portability
This right is implemented by providing a written request to the Manager's office address or to the email address (in case of an application signed by e-signature).If the request is reasonable, the Manager submits to you or your designated data Manager your personal data in computer-readable form no later than within 30 days of receipt of the request.

The right to disagree with the processing of personal data
Registered e-shop users and loyalty program participants express the right to oppose the processing of their personal data for direct marketing purposes by abandoning the newsletter, clicking on the refusal link or by submitting an application to the e-mail address In all other cases expressing disagreement with the processing of your personal data will assess whether your legitimate interest is superior to the Manager.

The right to request deletion of data
This right is implemented by providing a written request to the Manager's office address or to the email address (in case of an application is signed by e-signature). The data Manager shall delete the relevant personal data within the 30 days following the receipt of the request or refuse to accept the application and shall state the reasons for the refusal in writing.

The right to appeal to the supervisory authority
This right may be enforced by submitting a complaint to the State Data Protection Inspectorate regarding any actions of the Manager concerning the processing of your personal data.

In cases when you implement your rights by submitting a written application to the address of the Manager's office, a copy of the identity document (passport, ID card) certified by a notary must be submitted along with the application.


If you have questions regarding the privacy policy, contact us and we will help you.
